Inventor Aleksandr Golod believes that the two dozen pyramids he has built harmonize their surroundings. The largest of his pyramids is 44 meters tall and built completely out of fiberglass. This pyramid, named the Golden Section Pyramid, is located just outside of Moscow and is a major tourist attraction as many flock to view the spectacle and absorb the healing energy it is claimed to generate.
Golod has teamed with other researchers in studying the positive effects of the energetic field surrounding the pyramids. Russian radar discovered a column of energy beaming up from the Golden Section Pyramid. It is thought this energy column could be an ionic field radiating beneficial effects up and outward and possibly even healing holes in the ozone layer. Other research has found possibilities for improved immune system functioning, reduction of radioactivity, increasing oil viscosity to improve output and higher crop yields. Crystalline structures placed in the pyramids have been taken to the MIR space station and used in jails for further research. Russian scientific institutions are researching the pyramid's effects as they explore ancient roots of what could be modern healing practices.